Chapter 3 – An Alien Abduction

Homo Heidelbergensis is the ancestor of man.

Ancient space explorers known as The AnteDeluvians had observed the fragility of intelligent life on Earth. Multiple hominoids had become extinct through the ages.

So, approximately 200,000 years ago, a small colony of Heidelbergensis was transported to an astounding new exo-world within the

Triple-Star System located in the Ruprecht 147 (Rup 147) Star cluster

SoVran is approximately 1,000 light-years from Earth.


On this Super Earth, life was plentiful, but extinction had robbed DianToz of rare opportunities for developing advanced intelligent species.

The AnteDeluvians were believers in The Alpha Religion which compelled them to promote a unique stewardship for the Galaxy. Enlightenment was a precept and whenever possible, the AnteDeluvians would help spread the seeds of intelligence.

200,000 year later, the seeds have become a Celestial Civilization on DianToz.

Just one Century ago, DianToz was on the Eve of Destruction.

But, the Great Transformation offered solutions to many of the problems facing the people of DianToz.

DianKind has learned to overcome hate and fear along the way.

Today, DianToz is a thriving and prosperous CosmoCratic Society.