Celestial Overview
DunZeer – The Desert Planet
Overview DunZeer is the 3rd closest planet to SoVran and rotates backwards on its axis which means the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. DunZeer is the only planet within the SoVran Star System to do so. DunZeer is a desert world that harbors fierce...
DianToz – The Home World
Our Space Odyssey continues with the 4th planet in The SoVran Star System Overview DianToz is one of three planets in the habitable zone of the star SoVran and is home to an advanced Celestial Civilization. It is a world that has solved many of the problems that...
Baan – The ChThonian Planet
Overview Baan is known as the Chthonian Planet because of its large radius and very low density. At one point Baan was a gas giant like MeGron. As the eons passed, the gravitational pull of SoVran brought it ever so close to the parent star, and the result roasted the...
Megron – Super Hot Jupiter
Our Space Odyssey continues with MeGron, the closest planet to SoVran. Overview In ancient times this mighty gas giant was quite visible in the night sky. Shamans and astrologers of the ancient world postulated that MeGron was a rebellious sibling of DianToz...
Sovran – The Alpha Sun
Our Space Odyssey begins with SoVran, The Alpha Sun of DianToz Overview Sovran is part of a Triple-Star System located in the Ruprecht 147 (Rup 147) Star cluster SoVran is approximately 1,000 light-years from Earth. There are about 100 stars located in the Rup 47 Star...
Subterranean Ocean Worlds of our Solar System
There are multiple ocean worlds that have been orbiting the four Gas Giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune for billions of years. Could life exist on these worlds?