Our Space Odyssey begins with SoVran, The Alpha Sun of DianToz
Sovran is part of a Triple-Star System located in the Ruprecht 147 (Rup 147) Star cluster
SoVran is approximately 1,000 light-years from Earth.
There are about 100 stars located in the Rup 47 Star Cluster
Location: Constellation Sagittarius
In ancient times the mighty SoVran Star was worshipped as the mother sun which gave life to the world of DianToz.
The DianToz sky also prominently displays MiThoz and TeLios who were classified by the ancient astronomers as the two daughters of SoVran.
SoVran, MiThoz and TeLios are part of The DianToz Tri-Star System and reside within a breathtaking group of stars known to the people of DianToz as the The KalaZo Star Cluster.
SoVran has a slightly larger mass than the Earth Sun and is about 2.5 Billion year old wheras the Earth Sun is 4.5 billion years old.
The spectrum of this star resembles an earlier version of the Earth Sun.