Authors’ Blog

The Alpha Scouts

The Alpha Scouts

As Space Technology grew in exponential advancements, a great benediction was the creation of the first pioneers in space, The Alpha Scouts.  Most of The Alpha Scouts are of the Fifth Generation, though the opportunity is open to all others who are not of the Fifth...

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The Space Billionaires

The Space Billionaires

Let us begin at a historic movement that was put forth by certain visionary men and women (many of whom were billionaires at the time).   Since the major cause of all the world’s problems was money driven, These eminent leaders decided that the most dramatic and...

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Untold Riches, Robot Factories and more…

Untold Riches, Robot Factories and more…

Once Project MineStar became operational  it didn’t take long to reap untold riches from the asteroids.  These were untold riches not predicted. And the wealth was delivered in a unexpected way.  As a result a majority middle class of the world came to be. One of the...

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Habitable Asteroids

Habitable Asteroids

The World ReCreation Council had recommended that it would be vastly more resource-efficient to convert asteroids into livable bases than converting entire planets.  It was a natural evolution from mining the asteroids in the late 2060’s to actually developing livable...

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Author’s Corner

Author’s Corner

 Ever since I can remember I have always gravitated towards philosophy and the stars. In the greek language the word "philo" means love and "sophy or sophia" means wisdom. To the ancient Greeks, the word "astra" meant stars and "onom" meant to study. It is my love for...

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